Resources & Education

Our Sharing Guidelines
The program is based on shared ethical and religious beliefs, a religious tradition of mutual aid, neighborly assistance and financial sharing.

Frequently Asked Questions
Gain valuable insight into many of the frequently asked questions to help guide you to the answers you need with Liberty HealthShare.

Find a Provider
With Liberty HealthShare, you’re in control. Go to your preferred doctors, specialists and medical facilities. It’s simple. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Keep up to date with the Liberty HealthSharing blog. We share new and interesting content to help guide you and your family along the HealthShare journey.

Stay up to date with the latest Liberty HealthShare news and insights into the healthcare sharing world!

We’ve compiled a library of information just for you. View our Liberty HealthShare videos to gain valuable insight into Healthcare Sharing.

Find all our downloads in one place. Liberty HealthShare has a dedication to our members and that means resources at your disposal.

Tax Information
Taxes are important. Learn all about taxes and Liberty HealthShare, but remember to always speak to a tax expert regarding your most important questions!