Helping You Understand Your AUA
As a Liberty HealthShare member, it’s important that you understand how healthsharing works. Healthsharing is a unique way to save on medical costs,...
Medical cost-sharing plans are not the same as health insurance. They're an alternative to regular healthcare coverage that's designed to help members with religious or ethical values, often Christian, reduce medical costs. However, before cost-sharing can begin, each member must pay a specified amount of their own healthcare expenses that are not shared.
You are responsible for paying a monthly share amount as part of a healthcare sharing program. In addition, you are also responsible for an annual unshared amount or (AUA) before members share your eligible medical expenses.
If it seems a bit confusing, that’s ok. Let’s take a closer look at the annual unshared amount when it comes to medical-cost sharing.
A hypothetical example may be the simplest method to describe an AUA. Let's say you have a $1,000 AUA. You break your ankle and fracture your elbow after falling off a ladder. This will necessitate a trip to the emergency room.
When you look at the bill, you notice that you've been charged for the emergency room, radiography, and specialist care. All of this adds up to $3,950. Your next step will be to notify your healthsharing community of your need based on your medical costs. You will be requested to pay your $1,000 annual unshared amount before your bill can be shared with other members.
Depending on the healthsharing program, the cost of an annual unshared amount will vary. Each one is unique. Individuals often have an unshared amount of $1000, couples have an unshared amount of $1,750 and families have an unshared amount of $3,000.
It is frequently determined by the program you select to meet your financial needs. A yearly unshared amount for an individual (or single) program will be less than the amount you would pay for your entire family. Another consideration is the program level you select. In general, if you choose a program with a higher contribution amount, your AUA will be lower as well.
Liberty HealthShare has a wide range of medical-cost sharing options from which to choose. Our annual unshared amounts vary based on your need.
Liberty HealthShare, unlike health insurance policies, does not have networks. You can use the program with any doctor you choose. All you have to do is to let your doctor know that you are part of a medical cost-sharing community. Prior to your visit, you’ll show them your membership card and ask the provider for a self-pay discount. Most providers will send the bill directly to Liberty Healthshare. Some members prefer to pay upfront and then wait for reimbursement from the Liberty HealthShare community.
But keep this in mind…some medical visits are not subject to the AUA, including:
And generally speaking, we do not share expenses associated with unhealthy choices or voluntary/cosmetic procedures.
If you’d like to learn more about Liberty HealthShare and the programs we offer, contact us today. We’ll be happy to walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
As a Liberty HealthShare member, it’s important that you understand how healthsharing works. Healthsharing is a unique way to save on medical costs,...
More Christians are choosing to join a healthcare sharing program instead of traditional health insurance. Not only is it more affordable, but a...
The number of people using healthshare programs to cover their families' medical expenses rose to more than 1.5 million in 2020. If you’re thinking...