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Christian Health Share Ministries: What Is A Christian Lifestyle?

Christian Health Share Ministries: What Is A Christian Lifestyle?

A Christian lifestyle, when it comes to medical-cost sharing, typically has two facets. The first is a propensity to make healthy lifestyle choices. The second is your beliefs. 

Christian health sharing ministries are made up of a group of like-minded people, so in order to qualify, you’ll have to make sure that you agree with the Christian values of health sharing.   

So, let’s take a look at one example of the criteria for joining a health share ministry may entail.


Healthy Lifestyle Choices

To qualify as a sharing member in a Christian healthcare ministry, you’ll have to comply with any lifestyle requirements contained in the guidelines that are outlined in the agreed-upon guidelines. You will have to submit a detailed account of your medical history. 

In general, a healthy Christian lifestyle requirement includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Avoid tobacco use in any form. This includes smokeless tobacco and vaping devices.

2. Follow scriptural teachings on the use or abuse of alcohol. The Bible does not forbid drinking alcohol, but it does warn against the dangers of drinking too much, engaging in immoral behavior and other consequences of alcohol use. 

3. Do not abuse prescription drugs. Take them as directed. If you don’t, it could lead to dependency.

4. Abstain from the abuse of legal drugs or the use of illegal drugs. This includes:

  • Hallucinogenic substances
  • Barbiturates
  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin or other opiates
  • Marijuana
  • Illegal intravenous drugs
  • Narcotics 

Abusing any of these drugs will be considered destructive and result in removal from the health sharing community. 

5. Exercise regularly and eat healthy foods.

If you’re living a healthy lifestyle, your medical history should reflect it, and your chances of qualifying for membership should be good. But the other facet to joining a medical-cost sharing plan typically involves your beliefs.



The second facet that makes up, what is considered to be, a Christian lifestyle for most medical-cost sharing plans is your beliefs. Each health share ministry will have its own requirements. But here are some general beliefs many Christian healthcare ministries may have.

1. Belief that rights and liberties are bestowed upon you by God. 

2. Belief that every person has a right to worship God. 

3. Belief that it is your ethical duty to assist others, when possible. 

4. Belief that it is your ethical and spiritual duty to avoid foods, habits or behaviors that cause you or others to become ill.

5. A belief that it is your fundamental right to consult with your own physicians and other medical experts to direct your own healthcare.

These are some of the basic beliefs a Christian health sharing ministry may require for membership. In general, a Christian lifestyle, when it comes to it, medical-cost sharing comes down to living by healthy, biblical principles.

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