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1 min read

The Lord Is for Me

The Lord Is for Me

Devotional Image_The Lord Is For Me

In my distress, I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Psalm 118:5-6 NLT

Freedom from fear is a much sought after and desired strength. From the time we are young we learn to fear people. We fear that we won’t be accepted or fit in on the playground. We fear that we might not have friends because we don’t wear the right clothes or belong to the right group of kids at school. Later in life, this fear can be both gripping and expensive. We may fear others’ rejections because of the car we drive, the house and neighborhood we live in, and because we can’t afford to shop in the right stores. If we are not careful this fear may even drive us to live above our means by spending money we don’t have to gain the approval of people.

For the followers of Christ around the world this fear of people often has much more serious threats and overtones. Many Christians find themselves in fear for their lives every day because of their faith in Jesus Christ. They live with the threat of death daily.

When God sets us free it does not always mean deliverance from people or things that cause fear. Many followers of Christ in the last two thousand years have died for their faith. Many others have faced people or situations that were threatening in some way.

This freedom he gives us is bigger than just deliverance. It is a complete trusting in God that no matter what is happening or what the outcome of our circumstances, we trust him; and because of that, we are free from fear. “The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.” You may not be there today, but you can get there in your heart; and when you do, you will find that fear has fled. God is bigger than the things or people that have caused you to be afraid. Remember, he is for you today.


Dear Lord, I find great comfort and peace today knowing that you are for me. Without you I am nothing, but with you I feel strong and invincible. Thank you for being there day after day. Amen.

Pastor Wes Humble is the Executive Director of Ministry and Community Relations.

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