If you do this, you will live many years, and your life
will be satisfying. Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
Then you will find favor with both God and people,
and you will earn a good reputation.
Proverbs 3:2-4 NLT
What a great blessing it is to read these words. The writer gives us a secret to making our lives better in every context around us. These words are good for marriages, work, friendships, and other situations involving other people.
Be loyal.
Be kind.
We are told to tie these virtues around our necks as reminders in the Bible. “In other words, we should not only read these words but take them to heart, allowing them to take root within our hearts.”
Pick whatever context you want to apply these words. Choose to be loving. Speak kind words. Practice showing brotherly kindness. That's it! Be loyal to where God has placed you and the community He’s put you in.
The Proverb writer says if we do these things, we will “find favor with both God and people.” Who will join God in this call to be loyal and kind today?

What Does Stewardship Mean In The Bible?

In general, terms of what stewardship means to people may not always be the same. Everyone may look at it differently.