1 min read
Personalized Care Act: HSA Accounts
Liberty HealthShare members are encouraged to contact their Representatives and Senators in Washington, D.C. and urge them to support the...
1 min read
Liberty HealthShare members are encouraged to contact their Representatives and Senators in Washington, D.C. and urge them to support the...
1 min read
You’d be hard-pressed to find a bigger proponent of both the concept and spirit of healthsharing than Virginia’s Mike Long.
1 min read
Shawn Carroll struggles to recall the details surrounding her accident in 2017. Her recovery journey remains hazy, too. However, through it all, she...
2 min read
It has been 2 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. When I was told that I had breast cancer I knew my life would change, though I wasn’t...
2 min read
While it may be exciting for some and heartbreaking to others, no one can deny that fall is here! As we wave goodbye to summer, we can set ourselves...