10 "Releasing Stress Prayers" to Clear Your Mind
We all experience stress and anxiety at one time or another—from the ups and downs, day-to-day activities, and unexpected chaos. Prayers help us...
In the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said something interesting.
In Matthew 5:41 He said, "Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.” It's the law of the second mile. Second-milers go above and beyond. They do more than is required or asked of them.
Christians should ask themselves: "Am I willing to go the second mile?" This type of living might sound excessive or lofty, but in fact, it's neither.
It's a way of saying yes to a long-term relationship, full of growth, with Christ and allowing Him to mold us in character, commitment, and the commission of Christ. Second-mile living empowers us to be more like Christ.
Living this way, regardless of circumstance, will put a spring in your step, a smile on your face, and a song in your heart. Instead of life driving you, you will drive your life in a positive way.
Here are the 3 types of miles that you might walk: the character mile, commitment mile, and commission mile.
In the character mile, you might be interacting with a neighbor who doesn't like you or a friend who needs more than they can give back. Simply saying yes to them is second-mile living.
In the commitment mile, you fix your gaze ahead and maintain your faith and love for others. You know you are walking this mile when you stay the course and love like Jesus does, especially when you are slighted or taken advantage of. A Christian reaction should go against our natural inclination
to push back as we love more.
In the commission mile, we go the second mile to give the gift God gave us to others. Sharing the good news of Christ with others and developing other believers is second-mile living.
At some point, we will all be asked to go further in our faith journey than we had planned. Don't let discouragement, difficulties, or tiredness keep you from the abundant rewards and promises of your faith.
We all experience stress and anxiety at one time or another—from the ups and downs, day-to-day activities, and unexpected chaos. Prayers help us...
As Jesus went with him, he was surrounded by the crowds. A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding, and she could...
In my distress, I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do...