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1 min read

He Saves Us From Our Sins

He Saves Us From Our Sins

"And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21 NLT

Christmas has become a lot of things both inside and outside the church. There is the secular side of Christmas that has to do with gifts, decorations, trees, and consumer sales reports. Americans will spend over $1 trillion on Christmas this year. US consumers tell Gallup Polls they plan to spend an average of $975 on Christmas gifts this year – $100 more than last year.

Then there is the real reason for Christmas. It is a holy day to remember the birth of the Son of God. He came to earth through a miraculous birth and lived among us for thirty-three years. He was born to die. Behind every manger scene should be the shadow of the cross.

Mary had a son. She named Him Jesus and He saves us from our sins.

Being saved from your sins is big news. We are all born sinners with inclinations inside of us to take wrong roads in our lives. Our actions are naturally tainted, and we need a Savior to save us from our sinful natures. The good news, no, the great news is that Jesus not only offers to save us from our sins, but He gives us the opportunity to love and serve Him daily in word, thought, and deed. Accepting Christ as your Savior is life-changing from the inside out. Salvation is worth celebrating.

Make sure this Christmas that you intentionally take the time to evaluate your relationship with Jesus. Take time to acknowledge Him as Savior and Lord. Spend some time proverbially at the edge of the manger. Look up and read the Old Testament scriptures that announce this coming Messiah centuries before He was born. Let your mind reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Find a way to shut out the noise of the hustle and bustle. Lean into Jesus and let Him save you from your sins. Let Him love you and give you a life you never dreamed possible. Now is the time.

If you want to talk about this, send the ministry team a message in ShareBox. I would love to pray with you and help make this the best Christmas ever as you celebrate Jesus’work in your life. He will give you the gift of salvation and that is the best gift you could ever receive.


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