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Member Story: Doug Chalmers

Member Story: Doug Chalmers


On October 9, 2022, Liberty HealthShare member Doug Chalmers was alone at his lakeside home in upstate New York when he suddenly – and unexpectedly – passed out.

“Luckily, I woke up and got my cell phone and called 911,” he recalls. “They took me in an ambulance to the hospital.”

After a second ambulance transported him to a larger hospital in Albany, NY, it was discovered that Chalmers had suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm that would require surgery and the insertion of a titanium mesh. His hospital stay lasted for two weeks.

Chalmers’ medical bills totaled more than $200,000.

“They sent all the bills to Liberty HealthShare for sharing. There were a couple of anesthesiologists who wouldn’t send to Liberty, so we got their bill and forwarded it. Everything worked very smoothly.,” he said. “I was very fortunate to have Liberty HealthShare.”

Doug and his wife, KarenChalmers said Liberty HealthShare members shared every expense after his AUA and co-share were met. “Within six months, everything was done.”

Liberty HealthShare members have also been with Chalmers through two hip replacement surgeries.

A self-employed insurance agent, Chalmers and his wife Karen joined Liberty HealthShare in 2017 seeking a lower-cost alternative to their health insurance.

“It was just getting so outrageously expensive,” he said. “We like Liberty. It’s a Christian organization. That’s comforting. The people are great. Everyone we’ve interacted with has been wonderful. The program is simple and straightforward.”

Chalmers retired in 2023, enrolled in Medicare, and transitioned from Liberty Connect to Liberty Assist. His wife will do likewise when she turns 65.

“I highly recommend Liberty HealthShare.”


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1 min read

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