Liberty HealthShare Official Blog | Liberty HealthShare

Member Story: Don Winslett

Written by Liberty HealthShare | Feb 16, 2025 5:19:00 PM

Don Winslett, a semi-retired accountant, became a Liberty HealthShare member in 2018 after a referral from a family friend.

During his 40-year career, he, like many others, had employee-sponsored insurance for his family's healthcare.

"It was always a little difficult for me dealing with the insurance companies because to them you truly are just a number," said Winslett.

For those who have never considered healthsharing as an option for their healthcare, the decision to become a member of a healthcare sharing ministry can be a step of faith toward greater healthcare freedom.

"I had never heard of Liberty HealthShare before, and naturally I was a little skeptical," he remembered. "Joining took considerable faith, bolstered by the experiences shared by our friends. After learning more, Liberty HealthShare membership sounded like something we were interested in."

In 2020, Winslett went to the doctor for a checkup, and on New Year's Eve, his doctor called him with his PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test results.

"My doctor told me I needed to come in and start the process of selecting a treatment path."

Before deciding to have surgery, Winslett explored his treatment options, consulting with eight different doctors. Finally, he decided to have his prostate removed.

His operation was performed on March 19, 2021. Liberty HealthShare members quickly shared his eligible medical costs, which totaled $58,000.

"It's still hard for me to believe how powerful the Liberty HealthShare community was. It really worked out well for me," Winslett explained. "I now get my PSA checked every six months and, so far, I'm cancer free."

Winslett recognizes that Liberty HealthShare is a member-led community, and the non-profit ministry facilitates sharing among its members.

"Liberty HealthShare is the conduit, but it was my fellow members who shared my eligible medical expenses," he said. "For them I'm very thankful."

Liberty HealthShare's community is not only a nationwide group of like-minded people, but it's also a group of people who agree to uphold Christian values.

"We have a deep faith in God. And I appreciate the ministry," he said. "It's reflected by the attitudes of the people who answer your phones."

Liberty HealthShare also believes in the Christian value of stewardship, and members agree that we are each responsible for making healthy choices.

"When my wife and I sit down for dinner with our grandchildren one of the things that we remind them is that their health is the number one thing," he said. "If you don't have your health, you have nothing."

Winslett is now on Medicare, yet he remains thankful for his time as a Liberty HealthShare member.

"It was a totally pleasant experience from the from the day we signed up, to the day I went on to Medicare."