The path of one’s life is often anything but expected. It is how one responds to the twists and turns that come which define our character – and sometimes the community you have with you can make all the difference. Craig Newman is no stranger to life’s unpredictable nature.
“I grew up in Connecticut, moved to just outside of Philadelphia, then lived in Louisville, Kentucky for fifteen years before relocating to Florida for nearly a decade,” explained Newman. “Now I’m back in Connecticut for the time being.”
Multiple factors brought Newman back to the Northeast, including assisting with his aging mother’s care. However, an additional bombshell has contributed to his remaining there, a diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
“In May of 2024 I noticed some swelling in my neck, so I went to an otolaryngologist and ultimately was diagnosed in August with Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Fortunately, we were able to catch it in the early stages,” said Newman. “While the prognosis and treatment have been positive, it still came out of nowhere and was the last thing I ever would have expected.”
Thanks to the referral of a friend, Newman has been able to navigate his entire cancer experience with the specialized and personal touch of Liberty HealthShare. Coupled with the reality of an unceremonious job lay-off, Newman joined the Liberty HealthShare community at the perfect time.
“I wanted to have something in place to help me through that time of transition. I was always happy to contribute my monthly share, but I often wondered what it would be like if I had a time of serious need,” recalled Newman. “Lo and behold it’s been the way that healthcare should be from my perspective. Navigating the healthcare system can be crazy, but from the early stages of my diagnosis Liberty HealthShare has been just as good, if not in some cases better than, as what is deemed 'good' in the insurance world in my experience.”
While the broad scope of medical needs that are eligible for sharing and the ability to utilize providers free from the restrictions of a traditional network have been great boons for Newman, especially given his relocation to Connecticut just prior to his diagnosis, he appreciates so much more than the financial side of the Liberty HealthShare community.
“All of the support I’ve received as part of Liberty HealthShare has been nothing short of incredible. Everyone I’ve spoken with, from the enrollment process to any calls about my treatment, has been kind, patient, and truly present with me,” said Newman. “Membership has been above and beyond what I expect. The whole experience feels human and makes me feel a lot more human than working with a insurance company.”
A recruiting professional, Newman’s passion for music and family gives him strength to carry on with treatment, looking towards the future once this part of his journey is behind him.
“The scariest thing about this cancer treatment is that it’s all throat related, and I just love music in all capacities, so I do exercises to help keep my throat strong. I really enjoy writing songs, and a big reason I love music is from a really young age my mom had me singing show tunes and performing in chorus throughout school,” said Newman. “Being back in Connecticut now to help care for my mom brings its own challenges, but I’m the type of person who cares deeply about my family. Moving many hours back was not a question at all.”
Community, family, and encouragement. While far more than just these three, Newman’s life can be explained by how these factors have shaped his past, as well as how they shape his future. Continuing with treatment and looking forward to a cancer-free future with Liberty HealthShare keeps a song in his heart.
“My long-term prognosis is positive, and I am focused on how to mitigate side effects and help to keep my voice strong. I see membership in Liberty HealthShare as more than just a healthcare solution, but as being part of something bigger, a family. I want to stay part of Liberty HealthShare forever.”