Member Profile: Mark Mathias and Gina Lombardi

Mark Mathias and Gina Lombardi


Entrepreneurs have to juggle a lot of balls when venturing out on their own. Mark Mathias and Gina Lombardi found that to be true when opening a small business in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The married couple had the additional challenge of being told they couldn’t get health insurance for the business because they were its only employees. And, insurance companies in the ACA’s marketplace quoted them an unaffordable $3,400 a month plan with a $6,000 deductible.

It was in 2017 that their search for alternatives brought them to Liberty HealthShare.

“It was almost too good to be true,” remembered Mark.

“We can’t tell you how much we love it,” Gina added.

The couple have had their share of health challenges over the years. Mark has received chemotherapy for bladder cancer and Gina suffered a broken leg, requiring physical therapy and an orthotic.

Liberty HealthShare members shared “pretty much everything,” Mark recalled. “It’s super simple to use. We never had any issues with doctors.”

Both used Liberty HealthShare’s pre-notification process, opting to take care of it themselves instead of leaving it to their provider to handle.

“They have been great,” said Gina about the ministry’s pre-note nurses. “I’m very pleased. They always bless me on the call. It’s a lovely experience.”

“It’s been a great experience and very affordable,” Mark said. “I’m impressed that they haven’t had to increase costs that much over the years.”

Mark also appreciates the accountability members have in managing their own healthcare. “Instituting the $200 initial unshared amount was genius. It makes people think before running to the doctor for every little thing.”

As the couple spends the winter months in Arizona and summers in Minnesota, they appreciate not being forced into using a limited provider network.

Even as Mark transitions to Medicare, the couple remain vocal advocates and supporters of Liberty HealthShare.

“We tell people about it all the time,” Mark said. “Our nephew was a member for three or four years until he got a job that offered health insurance. I’m amazed at how many young people don’t have any health insurance. I always tell them about Liberty HealthShare. It’s very reasonably priced.”

“We will be one of your biggest cheerleaders especially with young people who have no insurance,” added Gina. “Thank you for taking such good care of us, we really appreciate it.”