Member Profile: John Tillema

John Tillema

The chaotic, ever-changing state of healthcare in the country led John and Nancy Tillema to membership with Liberty HealthShare. It is a decision the Indiana residents have come to relish and share with friends and family who ask about their pathway to healthsharing.

“I owned an auto supply store and provided benefits for my employees,” said John Tillema. “Things started to change in the marketplace and costs began to escalate. I started shopping around and considered the idea of healthsharing. I have been a believer all my life and asked the Lord for some guidance. Liberty HealthShare was truly an answer to prayer.”

Tillema has come to appreciate the affordability and compassionate support he and Nancy have received since becoming members.

“I’ve enjoyed being able to pick up the phone and ask a question,” said Tillema. “I don’t talk to recordings or have to leave voice mail messages. I can talk with someone who knows what I’m dealing with. They know me and can give me the direction I need. Healthcare issues are complicated, and healthsharing is so unknown. I have really benefitted from the opportunity to be helped by the staff at Liberty.”

Both John and Nancy are thankful for their positive experiences with the ministry.

“Nothing is perfect this side of heaven,” said Tillema. “We all know that. However, it’s obvious from our interactions that the people at Liberty care. I feel like I am part of something bigger than myself. People are praying for me, and I am praying for other people. There is tremendous comfort and peace in knowing that I am a connected to others in this way.”