Let God Continue His Work

Liberty HealthShare Devotional: Let God Continue His Work

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 NLT

Life is a journey that we all start with birth and finish with death.

None of us know when we will draw our final breath, but most of us live as though it is a long time away. Christians will approach life much differently.

We have altered the pathway of our lives on this planet by giving ourselves over to following the Word of God and allowing God to guide our lives on a daily basis. This means simply that from the time of our spiritual birth, God begins a good work in us. This doesn’t mean that we are perfect. It means that we are a work in progress. It means that as we follow Him we learn how to really live. We learn how to put Him first and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We learn the critical importance of practicing forgiveness, loving our enemies, caring for the poor, and standing for justice and peace.

Letting God work in us means that we will lean on God by praying and fasting. We will learn that money is not our security but that truly in God we should trust. By letting God continue His work we will bear spiritual fruit with our lives, and we will do to others what we would like them to do to us. We will share the good news and make disciples. With God’s help we will build our lives on the solid rock of His Word.

So how are you doing? Better yet, how is God doing at continuing His good work in you? If you aren’t so sure, maybe today is a good day for a reset. Make the necessary changes and allow God to start working on you and in you today. Don’t allow anything or anyone to hinder God’s work in you.

Dear God, more than anything, I need you and want you to work inside of me.
Show me the way and give me the courage to follow you even when the world around me teaches me the exact opposite of  your Word.