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How Your AUA Amount Fits Into Your Sharing Program

How Your AUA Amount Fits Into Your Sharing Program

If you are new to Liberty HealthShare, or a long-time healthsharing member, it can be helpful to have a refresher about the medical costs that a sharing member is responsible for paying before expenses can be submitted to their sharing community.

The Annual Unshared Amount or AUA is what a member must pay before their medical costs are eligible for sharing. This financial responsibility varies and your family size determines it, along with the program you choose.

Whether your AUA level is for a single member, couple or family, all Annual Unshared Amounts renew on the anniversary of their enrollment date each year. If you change your sharing program to another Liberty HealthShare program, the amount that you paid toward your AUA during your current membership year applies to your new program.

Expenses subject to your AUA 

As a sharing member, it’s common to hear the terms such as, ‘subject to your AUA’ or ‘apply to your AUA’ and ‘met your AUA.’

When you submit an expense, our process looks at the AUA amount you are responsible for and determines if the expense you have submitted should be applied to this amount or sent to your community.

Expenses for new sharing members are not eligible for sharing, other than accidents, acute illness or injury. They do not apply towards the AUA until after a two-month waiting period. Here are a few situations that could include your AUA when submitting an expense: 

  • If you need to meet the financial responsibility of your AUA, an eligible medical expense will be applied to your AUA.
  • If you have previous expenses within your membership year that have been applied to your AUA and you’ve reached the amount of your AUA level, you have met your AUA amount. Any additional medical expenses that you submit will be sent to your sharing community. 
  • If you submit an expense that is not eligible for sharing, it’s not eligible to be applied to your AUA amount. 
  • If you submit an expense subject to your AUA, it will be applied to your AUA, when appropriate. 
  • If you submit an expense NOT subject to your AUA, the expense will not be applied to your AUA. It will be sent to your sharing community.

Medical visits that are NOT subject to the AUA include: 

  • Influenza vaccinations
  • Screenings and wellness visits for ages 1 and up 
  • Wellness and vaccines for babies under 13 months old are NOT subject to the AUA or the two-month waiting period. 
  • Some preventative and wellness screenings found here

Your AUA amount can be found in your ShareBox on the Dashboard section. You can view how much of your AUA that you’ve met and how much you have remaining.

Our AUA amounts are low to help you receive savings on your healthcare costs, while you also help more people save on their healthcare.

Understanding how your AUA amount fits into your sharing program will help you steward your health and be an active member of our sharing community.

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