Understanding What Your EOS Means for Your HealthSharing Membership
At Liberty HealthShare, there are many ways we empower and educate you on how the healthsharing process works so you can make wiser healthcare...
As a Liberty HealthShare member, it’s important that you understand how healthsharing works. Healthsharing is a unique way to save on medical costs, and understanding how it works is one of the ways that will help you and your community save on medical costs.
One important area that you should be familiar with is your AUA, or Annual Unshared Amount. If you’ve never heard of this term before, that’s okay! We’re here to help you.
Your AUA is the amount of medical costs that you are responsible for before sharing can take place. It’s the amount you pay before other members can share into your medical expenses.
Your AUA responsibility varies depending on the family size of your membership.
For instance, if you are the only person on your membership, your AUA is $1,000. If you have two sharing members on your healthsharing membership, you are responsible for $2,000 before sharing can take place on your eligible health expenses. If you have three or more members on your healthsharing membership, then you are responsible for $2,250 before sharing begins.
Here’s how your AUA works. You submit an expense to us through your ShareBox. The expense then goes through the steps of processing, and once processing is completed, you will see a summary and the EOS (Explanation of Sharing) related to your expense under the Medical section of ShareBox. In these areas, you will see the breakdown of the expense and the total that was applied to your AUA. Keep in mind that your submitted medical expense must be an eligible medical expense for it to be applied to your AUA.
Is the AUA a one-time shared amount? The AUA amount renews on the anniversary of your program’s enrollment date. You can find your enrollment anniversary date inside the membership tab in your ShareBox.
Some medical visits are not subject to the AUA. We know that some services are necessary to maintain the health and wellness of our members, and these expenses may be eligible for sharing through your sharing community even if your AUA has not yet been fulfilled. These type of visits are determined by our board of directors and found in our Sharing Guidelines. These services are not subject to the AUA and currently include:
Some medical visits are not subject to the AUA, including:
As always, check your Sharing Guidelines. Our sharing guidelines reflect the needs of our sharing community and may change as we seek to remain wise financial stewards of our collective SharePower. Reviewing your Sharing Guidelines will help you to be aware of what services are eligible for sharing and not subject to your AUA.
Where do you find your AUA amount? It’s simple. Your AUA amount is found inside your ShareBox on the Dashboard section. A circle represents your AUA amount. You can see the amount of medical expenses that have been paid by you or “met” by you and the “remaining” amount. Underneath the circle, you will also see the amount of each eligible expense that went to your AUA.
Once you’ve met your AUA. Once the amount of your AUA is met, you are now ready to experience the kindness of sharing and the power of being a part of a like-minded community!
At Liberty HealthShare, there are many ways we empower and educate you on how the healthsharing process works so you can make wiser healthcare...
Your Liberty HealthShare community is here to support you through all phases of your healthcare needs. This includes when you meet the requirements...
Healthsharing is a special and unique way of caring for your health, and taking an active part in your healthsharing membership will help you be a...