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1 min read

Great News!

Great News!

Pastor Wes Humble Devotional

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.
Luke 4:18-19 NLT

The good news of Jesus Christ never gets old. It may get old in the context of how it is shared, but the news itself never changes. Denominations and churches may water it down or even totally disregard it, but the message never changes.

It is the message from Jesus himself. Quoting from the prophet Isaiah, He stood in the temple and read the words declaring His ministry and message.

declare the good newsLet me break it down:

• To bring good news to the poor.
• To proclaim that captives will be released.
• To proclaim that the blind will see.
• To proclaim that the oppressed will be set free.
• To proclaim that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.

Whatever may be going on in your life, at home, at work, or in your family, you should be able to find good news in this proclamation.

Jesus came to enable the human race to find  abundant life in Him. That doesn’t mean you will be rich, but it does mean that you will find satisfaction in Him. Be rich in your relationship with Jesus. Don’t let anything or anyone bind you. Find freedom in Christ. He came to this earth that you might be free and find your wholeness in Him.

Dear Jesus, I know that you came to set the captive free.
You preach good news! May I remember this all day today
and live in the freedom you have given me. Amen.


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