What Does Stewardship Mean In The Bible?
In general, terms of what stewardship means to people may not always be the same. Everyone may look at it differently.
We hear a lot about “bearing each other’s burdens,” both from people in our lives and from the command of scripture, such as in Galatians 6:2. But, as sometimes happens, saying these things can be easier than doing them. What are some practical ways that we can bear each other’s burdens, and thereby “fulfill the law of Christ” as we are commanded? While not exhaustive, here is a list of five ways that we can do just that!
We can bear the burdens of those in our community by volunteering our time at a charity. Through this simple act we can make a positive impact and alleviate some of the worries of those who are experiencing poverty or homelessness. By doing so we can fulfill Christ’s mandate to care for “the least of these” as written in Matthew 25.
Sharing a burden doesn’t have to be a grand gesture that demands a large investment of time and resources. Sometimes, bearing a burden is as simple as being there for a friend or loved one. How many times have you wished that someone had offered you a listening ear or a comforting hand? By scheduling that cup of coffee or that walk in the park with those we love, we can do more to bear the burdens of our friends and family than we may realize.
The celebrated and lauded theologian N.T. Wright once said something to the effect of this - Christianity is a team sport. By being in an intentional community with those who share our Christian values, we can exemplify the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth. Cook each other meals, watch each other’s kids, help each other with yardwork – we can be present in the lives of those who are committed to us in Christian love!
We are made in God’s image, and thus we have the capacity to experience the heights of joy and the depths of despair. However, whether good or bad, emotions can take a toll on our ability to interact with others and stay true to ourselves. Having someone along for the ride, so to speak, while we experience emotions can be invaluable in the processing of our feelings. Proverbs 25:20 speaks to this fact, teaching the importance of being able to help those around us process their emotions in an appropriate way.
Clearly, there are many ways that we can share the burdens of those around us. One of the greatest ways that we can bear one another’s burdens is through medical cost sharing. Through voluntary monetary contributions, many thousands of like-minded individuals and families with similar Christian beliefs and values can help support each other during medical need. Liberty HealthShare, considered the nation’s most comprehensive healthsharing ministry, accomplishes this mission by facilitating the sharing between members for eligible medical expenses, truly putting the sharing of burdens into action! You can learn more about joining the Liberty HealthShare community at How Does Our Medical Cost-Sharing Program Work? (libertyhealthshare.org). With a variety of programs that fit wherever you are in life, Liberty HealthShare believes that we have a responsibility to one another, and that your healthcare should be your choice.
In general, terms of what stewardship means to people may not always be the same. Everyone may look at it differently.
The Monterrosa family became members of Liberty HealthShare a decade ago.