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2 min read

Fall Health Tips

Fall Health Tips

While it may be exciting for some and heartbreaking to others, no one can deny that fall is here! As we wave goodbye to summer, we can set ourselves up to have a healthy fall and, in a few months, a healthy winter. Get ready to drink some pumpkin spice and have a cozy bonfire with these fall health tips!

Don’t Let the Sun Set on Your Vitamin D 

Earlier sunsets can mean a lot of great things – Friday night lights anyone? – but it also means that you have less exposure to natural sunlight. Getting your daily dose of sunlight is crucial to a wide array of your body’s functions. You can help assuage the loss of vitamin D from sunlight with some diet alterations, such as drinking more milk or eating fatty fish, or by taking a vitamin D supplement. As always, talk with your doctor if you have questions about your vitamin D levels.

Wash Your Hands, People!

Everyone’s favorite Hungarian physician, Ignaz Semmelweis, got it right in 1847 – we should wash our hands! Germs can hide everywhere, and when fall sicknesses start getting passed around at school or work it is crucial to wash your hands to help mitigate the spread of infection – both for yourself and those around you.

‘Tis the Season to be Grateful!

The mind is a powerful thing, so take some steps this fall to ensure that you’re thinking positively! It can be tempting to stay indoors as the weather gets colder, but be sure to venture out and avoid isolation – studies show that a lack of social interaction can lead to negative health effects. You can also take time to write out things that you’re grateful for to reduce seasonal stress, so consider dusting off your old journal. Just like Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is good medicine!”

Keep Your Summer Habits

Just because the leaves are changing doesn’t mean you have to! Keep up the momentum from your healthy summer habits this fall. Bundle up if its chilly so you can still get outside and get moving, and find out what fruits and vegetables are seasonal for you – there are plenty of great fall recipes out there! If you’re one of the lucky folks who live where it’s warmer year-round, you’ll have an easier time keeping your summer habits, and getting your vitamin D, due to being able to be outside more often. You’ll also have access to a wider variety of seasonal vegetables – get familiar with your agricultural zone and see how you can even bring some gardening into your life this fall!

When it comes to being healthy in the fall, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. As we’re told in 1 Corinthians 6:20, we should honor God with our bodies, and you don’t have to do anything crazy or life-altering to do so. Just follow these health tips and consult your doctor about the ways that you can be healthy this fall! 


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