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1 min read

Everything Surrendered to God

Everything Surrendered to God

Praise the Lord! How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying his commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed.

Psalm 112:1-2 NLT

Remember, fearing God is usually referring to honoring him and respecting him. It is about living in such a way that everything is surrendered to God. When we do this, those around us are greatly affected and influenced to follow God as well.

It is never too late to start living this way. You might be tempted to think the psalmist is referring to parents with young children, but you and I will influence our families as we evolve through the seasons of our lives. We will have unique challenges that will allow us to pledge and demonstrate our commitment to God repeatedly.

There is not much we should pray for or desire more than for our children and families to live with God at the center of their lives. This is not a promise for health and wealth. Some of Gods most successful followers have lived lives of great adversity. Respect and following God brings a joy that endures all things. Love him and trust him regardless. You will find great joy!


Dear God, please help me understand and embrace the reality of this promise. I can’t think of a greater joy than seeing those I love come to love and follow you. Thank you for this. Amen.

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