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1 min read

Employee Spotlight: Meet Ta-Tanisha

Employee Spotlight: Meet Ta-Tanisha

Meet Ta-Tanisha. She is a senior member resolution specialist where she works to assist our members and resolve any issues they have with their membership.

She has four years of experience serving in our ministry and she enjoys finding solutions for our members.

“It gives me a sense of pride whenever a member reaches back out to me after I was able to resolve their initial issue. It lets me know that they are confident with me that I will be able to address their needs,” she stated.

Her favorite thing about working with our members is listening to them and being there for them. Emails from members who are very grateful for care and help stand out to her the most.

Faith-based, compassionate and supportive are words Ta-Tanisha uses to describe Liberty HealthShare.

Her favorite scripture is Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

We are blessed to have Ta-Tanisha as part of our family at Liberty HealthShare. Check back next month to get to know another team member.

Employee Spotlight: Meet Morghan

Employee Spotlight: Meet Morghan

This month, we are pleased to introduce you to Morghan. She has worked at Liberty HealthShare for over a year as a member and provider services...

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Employee Spotlight: Meet Tamia

1 min read

Employee Spotlight: Meet Tamia

Say hello to this month’s employee spotlight, Tamia M. Tamia has worked for Liberty HealthShare for 2 years, and she now serves as a retention...

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Employee Spotlight: Meet Jessica

Employee Spotlight: Meet Jessica

Meet Jessica! She is a medical bill processor at Liberty HealthShare, where she reviews and processes medical bills submitted by members and...

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