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Employee Spotlight: Meet Janet

Employee Spotlight: Meet Janet

This month, we are happy to introduce you to Janet. She works in our Enrollment and Intake department as a Health and Wellness Review Nurse and has been serving our healthsharing members for close to 4 years.

In her role at Liberty HealthShare, she provides medical reviews for new Liberty HealthShare members and provides them with the confidence that Liberty HealthShare understands their health sharing needs.

Janet will celebrate 40 years since she graduated from nursing school as an RN, and she appreciates the trust our members place in her as a nurse.

Her favorite thing about working at Liberty HealthShare is the faith-based freedom she has to lift our members, and she ends her conversations with our members with a blessing.

“I remind myself how fortunate I am to work for a company where I can share God's love with those we serve,” she said.

When defining Liberty HealthShare, she believes that our values as a ministry describe us best: Faith-based, Member-Focused, Accountable, Innovative and Compassionate.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed is her favorite scripture. "If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20). It reminds her to give her worries no matter what they are to God.

Janet grew up in the Mennonite Church and she remembers singing the Doxology “Praise God from Who All Blessings Flow” and that the song was located on page 606 in her hymnal. Since then, she has made it a practice to praise God for her blessings when she sees 6:06 on her clock.

“My advice is to hold tight the personal blessings God has given you and let them make your daily path a little lighter,” she said.

We are blessed to have Janet as part of our family at Liberty HealthShare, where we encourage one another to be our best for our members. Be sure to check back next month to get to know another team member!

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1 min read

Employee Spotlight: Meet Kayla

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